Tilal company is located in republic of Yemen in which its head office is in the capital Sana’a. It was established in 1997. The distinct reputation that Tilal Company has is due to solidity and the international high quality standards of its products, which couldn’t be emulated by any other company in this field s because of its sufficient experience and continuous efforts for serving our clients, in addition to the international qualities of its production. Tilal for Trading and Constructing Co. Ltd is proud of the high technical quality, best prices, and immediate solution in the field of construction. Furthermore, the verity of products presented by us was in order to satisfy the various customer requirements such as workers accommodations, housing units, villas, mobile homes, prefab for camps, restaurants, cafeteria, meeting halls, lunch halls, rooms, building consisting of many floors , classes ,mosques and further products… Tilal Company could provide all the above products and more with new means, international qualities and high precision. The solid products are very attractive in order to satisfy our respectable customer as we also can build larger projects on demand